
Our Mission Statement:

To ‘Protect’ and ‘Preserve’ the rich heritage and environment

of the Loughanleagh mountain and its hinterland.


The Loughanleagh is a region of high landscape value situated in east Cavan between the towns of Bailieborough and Kingscourt off the R165 road. It covers an area of approx 5 kilometres in length by up to 1 Kilometre wide and rises to a height of 344 meters (1119 ft) above sea level. It is an area of outstanding natural beauty offering spectacular panoramic views of up to fourteen surrounding counties of the Irish countryside.

The name Loughanleagh originates from Lough-an-Leighis or ‘Lake of the Cures’. Its former name was Sliabh Gaileng-‘The Mountains of the Gailenga’. Loughanleagh is steeped in history and folklore covering the Neolithic, Stone age, Celtic and Norman periods. There are three Stone Age Cairns straddled across the ridge of Loughanleagh mountain.

Who are we ?.

We are a voluntary organization dedicated to the preservation of the Loughanleagh, to protect it from the adverse effects of development and the negative impact this may have on its ecology, archaeology and visual impact on the area.  The ‘Trust’ are actively involved in promoting its history and heritage and the development of walkways and trails through its landscape for its community and visitors.

We hope you find our website informative and would welcome any feedback or comments you may have.   These can be submitted via email using  the contact us tool on our “Contact Us” page.

We encourage you to visit this hidden treasure and hope you enjoy the experience and legacy of our ancestors.